List of Interview questions for a recruiter

1. What is Recruiting, Explain Briefly the Recruitment Life Cycle?
2. What are the various Tax Terms in Us recruiting? Could you explain them?
3. Who is a client?

4. Who is a vendor?

5. What is Work Authorization; define Various Visa Statuses available in US
6. List various Job portals you are familiar with?
7. Why do you choose recruiting as your career? 

8. How can the recruitment be done without the help of a vendor? If the vendor is involved than what are the risks associated?
9. Why most of the reputed companies do not consider or avoid C2C people while marketing recruitment?

10. What are the important points that you follow to judge the quality of a candidate?

11. What is a Background check and why it is done?

12. What are the steps that you take to source a candidate if you don’t find in the Job Portals?

13. What are the most important points that a recruiter should keep in mind:

14. Explain the Resume Screening Process on any of the Job Portal you wish?

15. What is required to become a good recruiter? What made you to opt for Technical Recruiting?
16. How important is knowing various Technologies in IT, and how is it going to help in Recruiting?

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