Building More professional resume

1). Be specific about your job duties, do not talk in general terms.
2). Your Summary should be specific for each job you apply.
3). Proof your resume for grammar and spelling errors.
4). Proof for punctuation. I see so many resumes that have no punctuation.
5). Do not include your address on the resume, include an email and cell number.
6). Your email address should always be professional. Always provide a email address, they are free.
7). List your cell phone number on your resume, so you can always answer the phone in a polite manner. Do not leave it up to a third-party to take a message for you.
8). Make sure your voicemail message is professional.
9). Do not use word abbreviations – in example – etc, Employers, Cities, Words – Spell everything out!
10). Do not use a spouse or friend as a reference.
11). Do not use See Above or References available, always provide everything up front.
12) Downloaded images on Monster are very hard to read. Do not put a image on job boards.
13) Make sure your on-line image of your resume is the same as the one you send to employers. Ie; Linked in.
14. Always list the city and state in which your job was located after the name of the company. Local Resources soometimes are preferred or a resource from the area a interviewer may have grown up.
15. You are unemployed and have not found something for a year, but you leave your on-line resume with companies and titles only with no explanation of what you did. Write your on-line resume as if you are handing this to me.
16. Use bullet points and be specific in your description of your duties.
17. Do not hide what companies you worked at from the Recruiter or the hiring manager, this will create a credibility issue if you do not provide them with what company each project was completed. Working for a Fortune 500 company holds more weight than working for a Mom and Pop shop down on Main Street.

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